The fantasy market is massive and was put on the map by The Lord of the Rings saga with Star Wars being the only real fantasy saga in the 20 years before LOTR. After LOTR we saw an emergence of many fantasy film saga's such as Harry Potter and Narnia, so the gene is now clearly very popular. Therefore my movie will appeal to millions of fantasy "Geeks" around the world, which usually have an age range of 25-45, so I have a reliable demographic there who will definitely turnout to watch a fantasy film similar to Lord of the Rings. Also there is a small demographic of people who specifically like historical films like Gladiator and Troy and they will also turnout to see Lokir. Lastly fantasy films usually attract many children from 6-15 and so Lokir will attract many kids around the world to come to watch the movie with their family. Therefore its is very useful the my movie is something of a hybrid genre and attracts the as many people as possible.
This Fantasy/Geek fan base are usually into mythology like dragons, orcs and magic so the enchanted sword of Erynathol and the magic around it will appeal to them. They also like battles with swords and other ancient weapons. Their hobbies include Books, Collectables, Cos-play and Video Games, therefore a lot of merchandising as seen with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings especially can be used to gain more revenue and also raise the profile of the film (For example there are many action figures video games and clothes sold by the Star Wars and LOTR franchise.)
The demographic doesn't really have a specific location and are scattered all over the place but they are probably based mainly in Suburbia because they are not wealthy or outgoing enough to live in the city and usually live where they were brought up or even still with their parents with a small social life. A lot of their free time is spent in their small house working on hobbies such as levelling up on video games or making costumes and painting collectable figures. Therefore internet and TV advertising would be the most useful way to reach these people.
In terms of children they are usually very attracted to the fantasy genre because they want to satisfy their broad imagination and can be found by TV advertising and posters on buses for example. They then tell their parents that they want to see that film and the family goes to the cinema to watch it together on the weekend.